Yes, it is indeed another newsletter! Though this time, on a much friendlier topic.
Now, first of all, I would like to announce that we plan to officially launch our website in January! It has been a long journey, but we are happy with how things are coming along and I feel comfortable enough to define an endpoint to this chapter.
Thank you for all your support along this journey. It truly means a lot to me.
Now, onward to the article!

This article discusses the relationship of the afterlife with humans and animals. Just as there is a human afterlife, there is also an animal afterlife. These are, basically, the very same thing. This is much like the ocean, it has its shores in the astral, and it has its depths. The ocean is the environment on our planet that supports all marine life and all types of fishes. It does not just support one type of fish. This logic, and my personal experience, applies directly to the afterlife and the heavens, regardless of what you might like to call them.