Hello everyone,
I am writing to inform you that, in my father's wake, an assortment of unforeseen legal matters has arisen, temporarily obstructing my capacity to fully continue his work in the way I had envisioned. We do not anticipate this to be a long-term issue, but at this time, we must be patient as we navigate the legal process.
As a result, I have had to postpone the public launch announcement of the website, along with reaching out to consultants and implementing other related projects. I apologize for the delay and for any premature excitement I may have generated about these upcoming developments to those people who I have already sent newsletters to.
Please know that I remain deeply committed to Astral Dynamics and to honouring my father's legacy. I will continue contributing to the forum, handling support inquiries, and hosting the weekly live online Silverlight Videos. While the momentum may be temporarily slowed, our shared journey continues.
Thank you so much for your understanding and continued support during this time, especially to those in our Silver Circle Membership. I will keep you updated on any progress and look forward to sharing new endeavours with you as soon as possible.
Jesse Bruce.