Fortun telling?
In last night dream I saw a brown table...when looking more closely I saw under the table was like tarot cards but with symbols...thought come to me it a fortun telling table??
In this episode I was sleeping and seeing someone observing was only like 2 streight lines...I tried to feel what kind of personality it had...if it was female or was very hard to was different then ever....
Transitioning of the self, like a crab's carapace or snake's skin, traps against the squirming until free. This be the shedding of self. Babies and children are to do with the new and emerging self. They struggle against the old and stifling self. It can be helpful to recognise, so as to facilitate, these transitions of self, by holding and curating compatible space for what is to emerge. But this is a process all must go through, many times of our lives, whether we like it or not. In any case, I say, try to allow the nature of self its own journey, so as to have more capacity to enjoy the thrill and the ride along the way. Much love.