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IA's Dream Diary

Public·27 Dreamers
Defense Against The Dark Arts Course OwnerDefense
Astral Projection Mastery Course OwnerAstral Projection

In last night dream I had so many animals...first a big bison ox chased me...I run into a shed..he was so angry so he went rampage on other things...then I was riding an elk and we met a cow...I said to the cow..go home...she went bonkers and demolised a pasture with fenches...I was so exhausted so I sat the bison have changed to a big man...he appologized for have fightening me so much...

In ths episode I was into town and looking for clothings in shops...when I decided to go home I had walked a bit when I noticed that my handbag was left in one shop...I went back but of course it was not there...someone have taken it...I was devestated...I met a women whom I knew from somewhere...she was also so happy to see me..we hold hands and she said she will pay for my tiket...I said I must call my bank to close my debitcard...I was so happy to remember that I had nearly nothing left on the card but I was soon expecting money to those who took my handbag will not gain I awoke..


A special place for our guest, IA, to express themselves on ...


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